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Writers vs Authors: The Explosion of AI and the Decline of Authentic Writers

The days of receiving handwritten books are almost long and gone in today's publication world. Twenty-five years ago, when I began writing, my first three books I wrote longhand before transferring them into typed documents. The nostalgia of writing by hand is something that I still incorporate today, thirteen books later. There is just something so serene about sitting in absolute stillness and writing from your spirit as you hear the voice of God. With technology exploding, this generation rarely picks up a pen, or a pencil, to write anymore. Many children today do not even know how to write, let alone write in cursive. When I see children and young adults write, it looks like a preschooler learning to write for the first time. Much has been taken away from them that speaks to their innate creativity, the gifts that lie deep within that were given by our Heavenly Father. Everything is compiled electronically, making way for a lacksidasical approach to authoring books. Not to even mention the explosion of AI which is producing millions of new authors, and even publishers, each year.

In the year 2025, I am finding myself having to release statements to the effect that our company does not accept any AI, whether in design or in content. The books I have been receiving lately to review are FULL of AI content and as a Christian publishing company, and even a company that still celebrates creativity and authencity, I would rather close my doors than to publish fake, phony, and counterfeit books. My entire vision is to "Offer God's Heart to a Dying World" through the INSPIRED gift of Writing. As believers, followers of Christ, the Bible clearly lays out that we are designed by a heavenly model, a Heavenly Creator. Read with me in the first book of the Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verses 26-27:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

The Word of God reminds us that we are created in His image and in His likeness. With this Divine Creation comes unlimited gifts, talents, abilities, and callings. They stem directly from our Father in Heaven, meaning they are supernatural and are inspired by Him through His Holy Spirit into our lives. When we refuse to exercise these supernatural gifts in the Earth, as followers of Christ, and instead take short cuts to simply "put out a book" or even "release a message," we are cutting off the authentic Voice of God that has the power and authority to shift not only individual lives, but also nations. We not only see this in writing, but also in book cover design and even in some of the biography photos that are sent to us by authors. Just as we champion authentic, Spirit-filled writing; likewise, we celebrate the gift of design and creativity in our book cover designers. With the rise in AI programs, we are witnessing more and more book covers that have been completely created through AI and not human design. It is devastating to see the publishing industry, particularly the Christian book sphere, turn into such a counterfeit display. It is easily noticable, even to my own fifteen year old daughter. She quickly points out AI to me in many areas as this generation has an eye for it. To go on further, it baffles me that born-again followers of Christ choose to create their own facial images through AI, instead of honoring and celebrating being made in the IMAGE & LIKENESS of Father God who created us. This is a downright slap in the face to our Father. And, it is the precursor to great deception that is taking place in the Church and in the world at large.

For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." Matthew 24:24

You may not think that "changing your image" is a big deal, but I promise you, it a a HUGE deal! Many have claimed that AI is a form of the false prophets and false christs mentioned in this verse, even the antiChrist spirit. It distorts the true, authentic Creation of God, and calls itself "human-like". Its entire purpose is to deceive. It is not only designed to steal our divine creativity and our voice, but it is also paving the way to completely destroy the image of God in the Earth realm through His Creation, His people. Meditate upon this the next time you choose to use artifcial intelligence to "create" as a child of the Living God or to change your image, the image that HE created in HIS IMAGE and in HIS LIKENESS.

Beloved... I will leave you with a powerful scripture of warning from the Word of God...

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8

In His Service,




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