Secular Companies, Ministries and churches need effective leaders; people with the ability to influence, persuade and lead others through personal example. God is also actively looking for that kind of leadership. It is no coincidence that in his previous book: Sunrise in the Shadows, Daniel Badillo has expressed, 'The Lord is looking for people to get them out of anonymity to heroism.' Behind this book, we see a young worshiper, psalmist, professional and outstanding preacher. Badillo is a young leader that serves as evidence that one does not need to be old to be a good leader. He encourages us to be transcendental leaders. Beyond speaking of a leader that simply dreams, he speaks of the leader as a planner and strategist. Instead of using platitudes and idealistic phrases, he renders us practical principles. With the integrity that characterizes him and with a young mindset which admits no complicity with mediocrity, Daniel tells us that a good leader must have self-discipline, strategic communication, defined goals, ethical values and above all, a sense of respect for their assignment.
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SKU: 978-1937741-89-1
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