A Call to Wage War with Spiritual Authority in the Invisible Realm
As we become soldiers that are trained, dressed for battle, and fully armed and dangerous in the spirit realm, the book Battle-Ready Remnant: Called to Contend is sure to be an invaluable resource in the hands of the reader while preparing for battle. This book will function as a practical biblical guide in spiritual warfare as the revival remnant contends in the last days to gain victory in the invisible realm. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against demonic powers in the unseen realm. The blood bought believers in Jesus Christ must learn to engage in spiritual warfare from their rightful seat in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers viewing the spiritual battlefield from an aerial view. Are you living your life battle-ready? This book will arm you with biblical understanding to sustain a combat-ready position in the spiritual realm. This battle-ready position includes knowing who you are in Christ, fighting from the proper position, putting on the full armor of God and knowing that the Lord is a Man of War who is the God of Battles!
Will you become the Battle-Ready Remnant that lives a life that is Called to Contend victorious in the invisible realm?
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
“Battle-Ready Remnant is not mere words to a page but has been tested by fire in Caleb’s own life. He speaks from a depth of Scripture and a reservoir of experience. This book will reinforce your place in the Kingdom, your position in this season, how to be on post during the upcoming battle and how to have peace through it all.” Frank Shelton: Founder of Frank Shelton Global
“This book will set you up for success and give you the information you will need to be battle ready and on fire for God, even in the middle of the current challenges in our world.” Todd Coconato Ministries
“In this book Battle Ready Remnant: Called to Contend Caleb fearlessly puts the trumpet to his mouth and its clear uncompromising sound violently shreds the illusion of peace time and rallies the troops for war.” Levi Lutz: Together in the Harvest “This book carries with it a clarion call to gather the Battle-Ready Remnant. As well, it carries an impartation of the fire of God that burns in this humble man’s heart.” Dr. LaNora Morin: FountainGate Ministries International
“If you want to hear from someone who God has called up and anointed to be a watchman in these last days, you simply must read “Battle Ready Remnant: Called to Contend.” We need all hands on deck as the enemy advances his agenda, but this book will empower you to rise up in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost.” Lydia Marrow: Vanguard Ministries
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