Chris & Deborah Hunter
Founder & CEO
Chris & Deborah Hunter are Owner & CEO of Hunter Entertainment Network, a merge of Hunter Heart Publishing and ChristHuNterz Media Group, a conglomerate of media outlets, including book, music, and movie production, as well as radio outlets. Their heart is to "Offer God's Heart to a Dying World" through multiple forms of print and media outlets.
The Hunter's partner in several philanthropic initiatives around the world, including "Operation Rising Sun: From Seattle to Japan," a music compilation project created to offer financial support to pastors in the local communities surrounding the 2011 Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan to provide emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial support to survivors in and around Sendai, Japan through Asian Access. Their Christmas compilation albums also provide support for organizations all over the USA, including Toys for Tots, World Vision, Compassion International, Wounded Warrior Project, and many more.
Chris & Deborah also support many international initiatives through global missionary organizations and media outlets to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They have three children together, are the father and step-mother to three, and have five beautiful grandchildren. The Hunter's reside in the beautiful mountains of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Our Vision
Hunter Entertainment Network has a clear and precise vision to take the gifts and talents that God has given to them to equip and empower our clients who have a heart for God and a desire for moral responsibility to use their gifts to inspire and encourage the world.
Our Mission
Our mission is to be led by Holy Spirit in every aspect of our business. We purpose to offer our clients and partners an atmosphere of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. We utilize our foundational beliefs in Christ to honor and respect those whom God has entrusted to us by offering them services above and beyond other publishing companies. We purpose to inspire our clients and partners to reach their full potential, and to give them an opportunity to share their message with the world.
Statement of Faith
Hunter Entertainment Network believes: In God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The entire Bible is God's divinely inspired words. All have sinned and are in need of salvation. Salvation has been provided for all people through Jesus Christ. God's will is that every believer be filled with Holy Spirit. Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every believer. There shall be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust. There shall be a literal return of the Lord Jesus Christ to receive His church.