Hunter Entertainment Network
Featured New Book Release
Have you found yourself stuck in a constant cycle of hurt, disappointment, and betrayal? Your past seems to hinder and haunt you causing you to wonder if you can truly find happiness. Successful friendships, peaceful relationships, or even family harmony seems to evade you causing you to feel as if there is no hope. The ecstasy that comes with a new relationship seems to bring about additional anxiety due to past failed relationships. The voice within whispers the unspoken question, “What’s wrong with me and who can I trust?”
These questions and feelings each of us face on a daily basis are not an anomaly, but rather common. However, for these common questions, I know the answer. There is a balm in Gilead! Healing for the spirit and soul. Join me as we expose, erase, and equip you with tools to overcome in areas that you have been overwhelmed. Join me and together, we will erase the dangerous fault lines in your life.
Dr. Frank A. Jones, III
Books by Dee McGinnis
Books by Deborah G. Hunter
Deborah Herbert
Visit The Seedling House on Facebook to stay up to date on where Deborah Herbert will be signing books in your area!
Deborah Herbert is a compassionate writer whose heart is to reach and restore women who have, as she calls it, “wounded faith.” Those who may have forgotten He is a Good God because of life’s challenges. Having experienced her own share of challenges, including the loss of six of her nine children, she now encourages with the same encouragementshe hasreceived. Debbie, as she is affectionately known, embraces the joys of family life. Gatherings on the porch are a favorite. She finds fulfillment in her role as a mother to her grown children, and she absolutely adores being called GiGi by her four grandchildren.
Debbie is a published author, with the release of her first book, "I Ain't Afraid of No Giants! When the Land of Victory Looks More Like the Valley of Defeat" and was a contributing writer in the 40-writer collaboration entitled: Daughters of Destiny, a View of Biblical Heroines through the Eyes of 21st Century Women, available on Amazon.
Featured Children's Book
Join co-authors, Rebecca R. Gardiner & Mechelle E. Salley in "R IS FOR RUNNING," a beautifully illustrated children's book for children of color to see themselves throughout its pages! Gardiner & Salley are both former Track & Field runners and joined together to help children not only celebrate running, but also to practice reading and to promote healthy and active lifestyles.
Let’s use our A, B, C’s to celebrate running! (And everything related!)
Children: Enjoy this book alone, with your friends, classmates, and even your teammates. Practice reading while learning about the sport and fun of running.
Educators: Expand your students' social emotional capacity by understanding the importance of GOAL Setting and remaining active & healthy year-round.
Meet the Authors
Mechelle E. Salley Rebecca R. Gardiner
He Reigns Over All the Earth
Operation Rising Sun: From Seattle to Japan (Seattle Artists United) was birthed as a seed in the heart of C.L. Hunter, Founder of Hunter Entertainment Network in 2010. He felt God was telling him to bring the local Christian artists in Seattle together to do a compilation CD to give light to such a great talent in this area.
"It lay dormant until March 11, 2011 when we met with a Japanese pastor at our church Vision Conference. We met with her to pray about bringing one of our artists there to Japan to minister to the Youth. We prayed and asked God to open their hearts to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did any of us know that there was an earthquake and tsunami that had just ravaged the Sendai region of that country?"
"We saw the news that night and fell to our faces. God immediately revealed to us that this was why He impressed it upon his heart to bring the artists together. There was such a bigger plan than any of us could have imagined. God wanted to bring unity to a people and salvation to a nation."
"We immediately prayed and began to ask God what was next and He shared with us to ask an artist on the label to write the song. It was literally written in one day and we were in the studio two days later. Many came out to support and so many called and wanted to be on this project, but were unable to at such a short notice. We truly thank them as well, because their hearts were with us, so they are still a part of this project in our hearts."
"Great struggles and attacks came from every side, but God continued to show us the way and kept us focused on the vision and what He wanted us to do. We have partnered with a wonderful organization, Asian Access, who will be our "hands & feet" to get these donations to the local pastors in Japan to help with food, clothing and supplies, as well as to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We are so very excited for what God is doing in this country and we are humbled that He would choose us for such a project. He truly has received and will continue to receive all the glory."
The song is available for download exclusively on Asian Access, and all proceeds go directly to help support pastors throughout Asia to help rebuild communities, offer much needed aid to locals, and to support persecuted believers. Please also consider sowing into the ministry Asian Access is providing all over Asia. To know that you were a part of God's plan to bring salvation to a nation is an amazing feeling. Share with your friends & family and God bless each of you for your support. Continue to pray for healing, restoration and salvation for the Japanese people, as well as Believers all over the world.
He Reigns Over All the Earth
Written by Fahren Johnson
Produced/Composed by Derek "DC" Clark for 253 Music Incorporated
Videographer: Isaiah and Latasha Haynes
Published by Hunter Entertainment Network
Books by
Theresa J. Royal
Practical Biblical Application for all our Life by Theresa J. Royal
Daily Spiritual Renewal for Living by Theresa J. Royal
A Simple Look at a Complicated Book by Theresa J. Royal
Practical Biblical Application for all our Life by Theresa J. Royal